Whatsitallaboutthen (today)
Well At critical junctures of human evolution EXPERIENTIAL knowing .. A mystic intuitive personal communion with the cosmos account.....

What i love
What i love about painting and drawing Is the inexplicable doingness Of it and the way story perpetually changes from day to day The...

Crucifying my self in the ultimate sin of saying anything or needing to At all.. To speak to and with Th universal in man Or my retracted...

Its a way of seeing Son of man Ask yer self "HAS IT GOT AGENCY.."titter guffaw These are throwaway zen poems from the peripheral It...

MAJIC whispers in the margins... Like breeze air Old as rome.. or SELF ACTUALIZATION as a fractal holographic quivver in the cosm we are...

Churn under n in
Language mutation marks Re cognition involuted Naked Darks free man humour hahaha Sing it sister..yer sanctifyd n fukd No worrys bro The...