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Several years ago i made a series of responce exhibitions where by i matched my artworks with david eggletons poems

Because of the themes and surreal social critique and play in his fertile fevered mind

Ehich i always apprietiated

Kept me company

as poet lauritte at th time.

I managed to show in several south island dealer gallerys.. With edgy smaller work..

This is a short news item about the mural teleprompter

And the longer video with h th poem and mural from the 2999ALBUM VERSIFYER there

And once MR Eggleton N did poemry at a studio party i hosted. HERE

Which i never got to show elsewhere

Which is typical for nzs administrative sector of arts admin.. To bypass the

tangata whenua chaps of any self published spunk.

I suppose culture needs to be th right class gender and political alegence to cut th mustard these managed days n the 'Sector'

Even in Dunedin th series of sonnets and respince drawings. Made to poems writ by David for th 2015 series ANTHROPOCENE AND ASYLUM have no been managed to be shown.

A bizzare culture nz of exclusion precious inhouse snobbery and innane clique preciousness.. I can only surmise folks need permission from teacher to say or be anything..

Instead of KNOWING the inner muse and spiritual authority.. Which is artists AUTHORITY to allow into being.

Bearing witness and coveyance of the divine within.

Whih is possably why the world isnt more of a orwellian hell.. As the HUMAN SPIRIT

Is infact linked to the PLANETs soul and COSMOS..

Not to central government or private banking concerns of prison planet.

But im on a rave..

Some of the natives make art

And write.. Dispite th art world and writing world retardadion.

This work is not part of the eggleton responce project.. But was in a Canadian art award in 2018 and won a work on paper award. I recetly stretched in on a frame and varnishd it.. I called it BIG DADA.

its 1900cm x165cm stuck on caNvas. 2006 to 20018



Oct 29, 2024

Beautiful work James 👏👏


Oct 27, 2024

Congratulations James well done

Jahn Morris Hill




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