in 2020 something....i painted my house alone and had a relationship break up and mum died and th state became a faciest mind controll eugenics BE KIND experiment in ritual abuse for fiscal easing of the petro doller debt vortex
i write n do art when emotionally challanged..
i dont kill or maim countless millions with dna altering serums which furthers the GAP of elite n human population..blood clotting heart brain tumor hemmorageing prior conditions with
micro wave reactivity and synthetic nano tech in ya clogged whanau!
any hoo
concensus historical re writes aside in asymetric wars cult ur all digital fog
i wrote this album worth of whaked out trippy shet
and my stalwart avant jazz mate DAVE EDWARDS ( fiffdimention and the troubled times band who recently played a great show linked here in wellington )
did the production and all editing on this seminal (may not hold same oppinion as me)
ablum. click lunk below.( incidently NEGANTROPIC means towasrd further oposed to entropy. meaning as much as a unfamilier word and sounding also indicates the manner in which art can resolve the unresolvable..or at least evoke cthonic unconscious some balm of mercurial delusion n en chant men t
