hitler n expressionism and jesus

well.final word
And excess
And now...i relieve in being received in a wonderfull simple kind human way
A contradiction to isolation n introversion
Simply visiters to look at a serious work intent.
Its been realy successfull..on lots of plain levels. But helped me see practice and pirpose..th inner n outter
The need and act of service of the art n heart as unfolding social ..flow.
My mission remains the same.
But i feel more connected and have a sence of context.
Its just shareing..and one personal skill set..is met...artists are real
That sensitive complexity is human
It needs articulating
As poets
And all social arts workers do
Sure theres career n all that.
Its the heart...opened expanded and shared
Of course hearts are dangerous terrain
But also divine
So what ya gonna do?
Thanks for helping and includeing me.. If you visited..
Art doesnt need th artist hovering around
Good work should be haunted by th maker n vapours of consorts he entertains
Being all 18th century n open studio
Is liberating...
Its quite difficult living in culture isnt it. With people.
non th less art is the bridge to the experience of active spiritual intent
heres a artist talking bout it below! click the thingy
magnificence is certain as threasholds emerge
of course i dought if your state will endorse that...
augmented realitys and what have you as synthetic neral encasemet caul of containment..traps
Non th less
I think Im gunna be A MARVELOUS WELL ADJUSTED Georgus Rabidly ridiculous artist of splendor Wen i grow up
A bit of krill lapping against the rockS
Sifting th ocean for bits of ambrergris.
Are the mothership
The language carryer
The insurgant device
cultural agent
see art begins as nothing is wounded abject and terror entrained..
authority paracites you away from yourself repeatedly
till you forget
but art knows the real self never forgets..fights even.
so what is art?
a mirror of the dynamic of self conscious echo chamber and limit and boundry to sublime and transpersonal
a bird painting obviously!
something we all agree on..hmmmm
anyway....the spiritual and art and the politic of knowing ya self and acting in the world
and believeing in a future
responsable to your opwn potential ...however robbed that was in your debt prison fear suburb monocult
in equity even
defineing the true value in sick systems
be well
and kind...
mistakes and shifting attitudinal flux vectors eh..still human
arts reflexive...and probably the cognitive revolution of self healing and integreated whole sysytem complexity...learning to drive the wet ware
dare to experiemnt..arts the lab..and experiemnt and language and tribe of one
and revelelation and saint tyrant sinner and angel
were all of it
but you have to practice to know.
and information is useless unless knowledge and hopefully wzdom are applyed.
and you cant legislate that..ya have to live it.
its not entertainment ..human suffering.mental violence. torture. addiction. suicide. poverty. perpetual stress. eating disorders. the whole bloody drama of trauma in our farm plantation stress controll experiment corperate game.
them kiwi kosy koreros arent fashionable art news.
but are kiwi realitys
the burdon of the practicioner and the wounded is finding a way of being true to all of it while acturally being able to progress in a sterilised culture of class denial and adults that echo the oppression they encountered in ignorance and complaicency even. of course were not all working poor desperate broken homes with chronic issues
alot are mainstrream adjusted functuonal people..
how th hell does art cross boundrys...oh i can hear the call of aroha and head scarfs and spiral tatoos...maybre just be ya self ..and stop attaining to some mythic idea of universality mauybe each has to straddle the gap and challange in there own life..
but in effect the soul is the same point we have and heart at accessing the data..
introversion and process of metaboliseing..synthesiseing and [projecting
this is cuylture at work
and arts function
and god damn it it is holy ground
and this life is sacred
and we are responsablie personally to the past and future with everyhting we are.
shpoyuld be in controll of that and make our own mistakes and mutations..
its duty
Posably even allowing ya self to be..that shapeshifting persona matrix all stinky n beuatifull thorny n flower puffed exaltant compost cosmic star fart you
Day of th newspaper article
One person in tday fer 5 mins. I danced to tool.did a scribbly intence drawing..blurbled in this post too much
Returning back to art.
That scribbly intence drawing as case in point.
A field of rythmic pounding to music..LOOP QUANTUMN GRAVITY EH!
Rubbed out like raushenberg
Re done...going for echos of old..
Over over..ghosting
Centralised...and fields of movement
And narritive awareness changeing as the doing does...heart connecting to sound as pencil hits desk on paper..echo like drum
Your in the meta space now..its preyer
Action becomeing meaning less..as
Mark accrues.
I can only be the meaning im hopeing to impart. Not absence n futility. That has a definite meaning too. Maybe im in the underworld Maybe thats dunedins gift to the world soul
Metaphor matabolised poem spaces inbetween possably to write in
Fall voiced in gaps..
Juxtipose a ideology as a frame for a display...
Like ethnic tourism
Searching for the real..when its already been stolen.
Im fixing my duvet cover thing
Garys corrective surgery
Tactical strike verbal gym service speaking. How may the team assist you today honey?
The unexamined life
Aint werth living
As a guy said in greekland.
Were all in a shifting cultural makeover
Were all in a existential conundrum
Culture propped up by corrupt banks money laundering drugs human trafficing
Systemic banking corporate corruption
Based on our wee million doller mortgage slavery...
Brave new world gangster facism by royal decree
Thats just nutty artist talk. What a nutcase.
The gifts of constant vaulnerability
At the hands of the unwell ..and preditory malevolent even....
Oh i like colors..and for gods sake!!!
Th goddess sent me judy
Judy! The ex gifted kids writing teacher who does tai chi
Judy with th little dog
Judy who buyed a paper work
All raveing nong dark spurts
Of exhausted dude in marginal cultural futures
Says Placated by the breast of the babyBoomers kiwi art Fetish.
The quiet wee nurtiring attention..Transactional maybe
Ill do some more like that and well see if you like any when im done.
Oh bob marley!
Buffalo soldier
The neighbors are blazeing
Skinny gingernut razin it up!
Dreadlock rasta
In th heart of the carribean..
Ahh yes.
Forgive me lord for mocking my neighbor
reporting to th screetching haradin on th phone who cackles.
A good friend who shares a chuckle about it all
Oh dear..
Leisure suit
A bit of fluff wifting out.
Serious buisness of whackingthe bush out th back
Damn meadow out there.
About t go up in flames!
She claims she needs that wife
The mute asexual one from the philapenes
Have you read mein kampf she asks?
Were on a watch list now she says..
Any more mutterings about your pussy i say
I resent it she cackles riotously..
Ooops slipped into th instagram ego
Ill be rob garret accidently posting the nude selfie and takeing it down when he realised what hed done next!
Things to aspire to...
I said smegma at her and she synical talked about chopping up people the youth do putting them in suitcases..while playing at strangleation sex
I dont want to be in th world with people who watch torturous porn..and enact it!
Dehumanise everybody..its gross!
Turn the thing off!
Whole internet turn it off i say!
I never speaking to you again
You spend too much time hideing behind mummys skirt you horrid little man.
Theres th day gone its 5pm.!
None of us know if were relevant to anyone the workplace..attention..
Career worth ..purpose.
Weve all fears of the future..if we dare the think about it at all.
Its just so much easyer to not be present
Opt out in perpetual distraction.
"Hoi yoi yuh....hoiya yoi yuh...hoiyoiyoiyoiyoiyayoiyah....just a Bufffallo Soldier....RRRAAAARRRRRR!"
Cos legal recreational drugs will dramaticly increase our educated masses and form a great backbone to manufacturing in nz
We all want hope..
A reason to be.
Received usefull
Spoze i fill that space in makeing and am quite shocked when it realy isnt nessesary to any construct outside myself.
Still trees falling in th forrest and
Consentual performance hysterics in classic templates of seasoned humanitys recent historic frontage
Sitting with my own over serious intent of addressing certain works with david poems and correlating some natural overlap.....
A cultural myth meem that doesnt matter to anyone?..
does to me..Continues to aswell.
If i was part of some order of monastic tradition..where meaning n purpose were needed..and there was a creator that we were part of..
In service to
Embedded fractal conscious wave carryer
Dynamic unfoldment..points
A lesser self anquished at the edge of absoluteisms void...echoing information n energy back to itself on the surface of faces less attention span nano pulse
Micro wave synapse augmented memory induction
Post show crash glamour..wanting more meaning and purpose .
Potential un needed. ..wee miopic snags of false tricks of lesser doughts
The usual.
Its one lesson and upgrade at a time. Steps to temple Integreated. Bong bong bong bong bong bong Its six.
And my Slow lessons one dumb nieve retro step at a time
Now you could do th exam...
And autopsy even on the examined life
Being worth living
On your own terms
Be true
And still definitely not be living a authentic life..the camera -book -type -lodged firmly in ya head..a archilogical burrowing into concensus trance illusion even
Like a advertorial for culture that matterd that doesnt matter now!
And does
And doesnt
And does
And doesnt
So its a narrow edge ledge
Of full vivasection self ENQUIRES and
A little online quiz of product placed magazine trivia
Non th less our owners in plantation do traffic children fer sex well documented it would seem
And corrupt oppression banking criminal cult class abusers..
False flag mass murderers n complicit regeme propaganda puppet leaders we brand identify with in that mumsy authoritive way
is the dehumanized system
Of fear containment cos pschopathy is how we roll in the newzild.
One horse brain
In one horse town gallery colouring in neoliberal brochure of culture class entrainment fantacy frontage
Etiquite only.
No teeth..
Preferrably a pretty woman who sayd the right thing to reinforce the institution that spawnd it
Were all so retarded and conflict adverse
So sanctiond behind bullshit to a brittle economy of shallow nasty shadow and disposability...
If you were a conquored aboriginal
A maori..a celt
A human
There isnt a democracy there isnt a culture..
If ya knew your worth
Would you participate?
Do you know your worth
Whats worth it.?
Dunno im talking in inner loops to myself anyway..
Ahh ned kelly
Te whiti
Sonya davies
Guy fawks?
Do we have a ligitimate culture anymore?
Maybe we had one..
But now its a branding exercise
A academic career
A capitalist desperate scrabble of any attention at all in vacuumes of western decline n narcistic fracturing..a social enginairing plan from on high..in my distains weakness to
Be upright
Be present
Responsable for his own worth n passage here
Think anger n rage are a ligitimate responce...in a whole system..
But still weather in a ceasless cycle
In a bubble of atmosphere
On pale blue dot
Doing corkscrews thru time space in magnetic harmonys with heavenly bodys
Hot in th core
As it were
Wet n cold on th edge
Great frozen lumps of rock
Impact like language bombs in
Slow motion evolution pagentrys th year 3094..
Angel wings n glitter pink tutus
Even if Abandonment bashya kid to sleep
In self abnigation force fed marginal platitudes of a deconstructed culture of frontage
As most cant admit its a farce..a illusion
Corrupt crashing inward to a steady state decay ...
Leave th conversation for the crime n torture of other peoples state takeovers to have who aint with th globalist agenda
to have...if ya step outta line...like a uppity poor disenfranchiesed person or a arab not in the pipeline geo political one werld
Groomed fake sanitised lieing complicit shit eating coward cunts
The lot of us...to this totalitarian faciest scheme we sould our soul too
Casino fires corperate war...
This shit is the precurser to some rape buisness scheme.
This is culture..
And people Do the best they can..
Glowing balls of light
But..Id rather be nuts in a insane world
And know it
Than functional in hypocracy.
Statistical surrealism absurdist mantras
Diabolical diatribes..
I do think however the homeless
Are ejected souls from said compromise
And art could sleep with mythical animals and not be a evil porn fetish
But rather distopian primal groans of damnd souls wakeing to there divine cosmic giggle ..
Frameing story versus knowledge
The dark light light dark edge and identity of my own corrosive illusion
This is pure speculation
Ive no licence to practice online orphic hiccups pagentry
But self selection seems to work for teen pregnancy and artists damaged goods other peoples respressed selfs dump container transferr weigh station karma smorgaspord drill seargeant
Like like like
Yeah hell yeah!
This miricle i am
This self aware triumph watered by much care and attention
By in from thousands
With alot of drop out privledge..and effort
Constant need of effort.
Attitude adjustment..
Self evaluation isolation broadcasts.
This faculty of art
self learning heroic humble (guffaw)
Constant effort...
Yearning seeking improvement
Heart trained at the possable the aesthetic of potential....image
And process
Self entangled object secretion
state and ..
Returning to mixtures of authority
And vaulnerability power and embarrassment
Threat damage
Hope and love...
Fear failure fool service
Stilled in th absolute of this existence thing...HAPPENING US
The glory of the bigger sOulscape in the mesh
The other world..we're within frequency of
The fabrics warp n weft of
In scales climates
Dimentions in meat computer holographic manifold consciousness field
The cosmic ecology!
Well this is a disjointd rant and i realy dont care.
Its got merrit in a few parts
And the usual bits of wall padding..
A light that guides..some holes and trap doors.
No retreat no sirender
Yes masm sir mam
.Well i had three visits today
Is humility in service to
Things what are bigger than me
That i forget when my head is wedged up a imaginary friends bum..called art idea attachment aptitude obsession job redundancy caper fool service
Mumble heirophant
Mumble universe ace of cups
Priestess But got cash and a book bout chaps writeing about chaps by a chap. Met a poet who dont show anyone And liased with several academics whom are loverly people of our bygone newzild
And givd a crystal from elora caves and a cartoon book him made Pretty rich pickings fer a spoild stay at home dude..
Support from REAL HUMANS not ghosts
We are not NOT walking around th block talking to ourselfs tupeing this periodicly
Were not!
How dare you inferr this..party
Ceasless glut of confessional monolog
You pervy little side dish widget fetish nipple tugger
I think statisticly in artist vision statements
If you say nipple more..then its going tip the ballance in the cartoon universes favour of you...
Pink roses turn up
You get a new van
And live th dream you set up for ta self in a tideal matrix of high n low preasure systems. And would hope too to be there for the other
After all thats the point...the art sighn
Terrortpry of introverted self centredness
A intent left to the future..
A need expressed in the now
Like breast milk
Not that i would know
But im always lactating th post title is because a psychologist in a video was talking about it...theres a link below....suppose i can relate...the propaganda of institutional frontage to veneers of colonised psychic serfdom..art and aesthetic..manufactured consent
Class language and etiquette entrainment in the ritual of culture and controll...
Dont be other..or individual...unless its approved...the great promise of expression imagination betrayed in th calculated career backdraft of management heirachys..and lolly minds
Leave maturity to german philosophers
Or greek antiquitys..we want clone farms!
Profit prisons
City council gulags
cowardice of corrupted frameworks realy.
Pretty hard to be in this world and stand upright..there isnt anywhere to exist without being complicit
Or probably adding to it myself.
Its unrealistic to expect a jung
A saint a hero of humanitys potential in a profit farm for owner machines
The operating system ...money language
neo liberal corperate militarty soul mind hijack..
Temple eduface fiscal ease on in there rodger..oh yeah
Wall speaker
...of course this is dark echos
Of digital vacuumes..and failures of conformity in his own miopia..
Aaark whachagunnado
Make maps of meaning..bleet n twerk twerp warp blurp forms fantisise say stuff for eyes as a faith failure preyer
A wrath n gate
Fate n hate
Kindness with grace
Poop with th scoop..
Loop th goop
Belonging in a childrens culture of invalid fake heros where disenfranchised good people..recognize one another
With what we gunna do resignation .
But..its still true.
Being sick..in a sick culture
A victim made for consumption
Homeless in comfy jails
Jobless in autocratic service
Famlyless in neurotic hotbeds of dominance n neglect
Mindless in conceptual ego lipservice strip tees mall ideolog kitset
Is normal in the redundancy of human seeking ....when whats sought is only self service..
Can i inverse a loop
Convex concave escalations
Ok the good news
Theres a cult being formed for you
A script prepared..a hope designed..that lets you live!
Only tho..if you behave..and act the role
Do not deviate..and dont look at anyone on the bus
And have strict oppinions with repression n intollerance to heretics...
Heritics banish themselfs in gi bering hellraiser inpenetrible diatribes!
Theyll never get a opportunity...
Tap tap tap on th wee device
Im pathetic
No..th toilet splatter has a extra strong bleach after burn
Bit thin on th jesus part..
I mean th only hope our story emparts is
Were built on lies
We will go to space
Become a g. e. robot in a hive you have no power in.after they collapse the currancy
Hmmm great story.
Am i wrong?
Im spozed to as artist tell you about ceasless whirlpools of cosmic code entangled potential of transdimentional perpetual organism..
The full promace of becomeing
Fully human
Maybe i do..?
Or skin shedding snake
Compostable homebirther as one sacred larry said
But monet did some big cosmic waterlillys
And vermeer did a milkmaid that made me cry
And i dont think madonna is a virgin.
Th cat was licking her bum twat complex before I tryd to get you a image..but was too slow
Oh ok i got th jesus part of the lecture.
Well..! Dealing with depression in post human times is in effect doing th spade werk fer jesus!
Serving th true..even if im a beshadowed clown ..is at least attempting to look outside th cave of shadow..
In that to feel
Be open n vaulnerable is to birth new perspectives in the cascade of mirrors of a broken psychic system.
Aka new nzild my self my mother.
Then dad as th bible faciest skitz of course
Oh great teachers of my whanau
Oh lesser deightys of my shame vanity pride
Being some corperate logo of divine self
Timeless totality beyond form and name
Get me?
If you desire a life time subscription to these highly entertaining lectures
Im.now takeing subscriptions for devotees only.
Itll cost your first born male child..
For life.
As it did me when i signed up 47 years ago.
Hi im home again.
Met this guy on the street..kicked to th curb

Thats a picture of me in pyke valley after a big 35k tramp in one 16 hour day in bog n getting lost. Found.fording rivers at night mlarky.
Praises to th orange triange!
And i dont mean scots minge.
Never realy know how to present in process ..shareing the complex of self investigation..if its even appropriate..
The convolutions of esteem n self approval..professional intent
Blah blah blah
..the openess and flexability of the whys n wherefors..
Well i do..just get tangled in th layers of emotional mental process of self reflection
All th things ya need a full time shrink for..
Un met needs..transmuted to other problems..art surfaces articulate begging attention too.
But stand in a dimention of there own too
And not of problem conflict generitive alone..assertion
Backtracking..and just work.
When the physical stuff finishs
Th mind stuff goes on.the person is still there...needing a objective reality anchor.
So are we beutifull with the problems? Huh!
In articulatable in the complexity acceleration manipulation..
Non the less...fantastic..dramatic conteadictory tradjic comedy...its all been noted before.
The human point of evolutionary threshold?..
Is that science..leading th flock?
Or the inner development of thousands of years ..i mean..when was existential mystic political technical leisure experience ever so widely accessable in human history.
Now energy and population stresses..
Anyway..just the big picture realy
Where its at..its facinating..like to
BE part of that
Whens a art practice public or personal social or private...i mean part of the thing i think is that art needs to be more generous in th personal..not mearly iconogrsphic or stylistic technique base. Its shared human soul fer gods sake..
Not a lawyer golf party...the sanctiond the state the taboo. reality controll, fiction
We perhaps conquer the world by getting to the next plane of existence within And th view changes.. Then we descibe it.
Acturally done a bloody good job "curating" the house show.
Sticking to brief. Works made in australia when david wrote sonnets for them..
And my responce in paper series and banner works and canvases.
Pretty balanced aswell.
Ceaseless faffing.
Weirdly enough th main work the mural hasnt been a issue at all
Its the rest thats been diabolical with hooks n triggers for myself.
But still...no one else would show em in dunedin so i am! And there good too.
Theres a ethos there thats true.
In synthesis of method meaning and ..the hardest part
Experience in the work.
Experienced..intuited felt picked up apon disolved fractured adheared condenced made.
Done alot of censoring editing aswell in the house
The nagging knaw of paranoia of apparent over shareing the big child need
At the expence of the deeper
All in a echo chamber of one course.
And a phone...fkn blog post mania
Oh needs of shareing..bad human.
Spoze what i keep finding is under the crust in what inevidably becomes a existential melodrama of art philosophical depression research..(short video) is this post colonial neo liberal self ghost echos that theres a conflict with the culture im trying to dialog with..and my self.
The colony thing. What we are. What i am.
Think thats why for me the archaic prehistoric deep grooved mythic of our physical animal on planet..seems to be a trueist kind of sentiment to adopt as discourse.
Thats what we are under the civilisation candy coating.
Ritual and majic and myth and story
Chanting and dance.
This was lived media..of reality and
State change ...
So im pretty adament about a ethic of what i need to do in that vein..have been doing.
Would like to guide that to preyer
To essence realy.
Not any particuler denomination..
Just...intent. to connect in to the highest capacity
And there in lies the mystery too
For what is it of us that experiences that expansion..? In heart knowledge.
Physchological stress n emotional Suffering and integreation of the process...relief and comprehension
Some one said the difference between wizdom and knowledge is experience
Ones book learning
Ones experiential doing..
Suppose its the terrain.and like a difficult potentially dangerous tramp..the challange is the point. Some fitness and being totally humbled by the stresses.
Which in turn..motivate the works articulation in future..
Its the call of the development of the greater..the way self perception is a fundamental part of the universe experiencing itself as me...thats like meister eickhart saying
Get a bit haunted in exhaustion
Old works
The integreation of stuff..underworld SHADOW
The works a map ..and its humbling.
Spoze the tendancy to obsession dark over sensitive hurts...is not th whole person
Light silly and frivilous is as equaly nessesary...the small toon drawings kinda take that voice..wee compositions
Hmmmm a fragment

Thats a bit of one of my kiwi meta m fiscal art toons you know my version of dum...
Minor works...doodles
Ive along way to go to th unrivald experts of th recent upper echlons tho..admittedly
Acturally its a part of a series of Assosiative dipdiks that conversate together. Like poems. small note works that relate together
Cos im doing th big david eggleton responce show eh.

That picture is called
UN wanted kids jenes
Its a painting .
One surpriseing simply renderd black n white over a surface of sewn adheared jeans.
Sometimes the exposure of a work and the desision to stop is made for me
By the starkness of the feeling of organic process.
The language of cause n effect in studio ecology
A implyed narritive..poeteticly .
Off brief of course fer the divine mission
But still...fits in a thorny barb on the tree.
A weepy bit of sap
These become exposures...over time of process..others are more Laboured
With entitys in a longer term...
Different voices
Have different methods.
Were a crystalline psychie of sides
Thanks alot.
Croud goes wild.

Always thort art should be interedting eh
Say something about th place we live
Express our lives...or th art makers life
Seems the algo rythem of manufactured consent has totally inseminated th yoof protocol of anykind of self governing licence of credable force of self permission.
Our queens colony factory farmd domesticated institutionalised ..debt ridden werkaholism cognitive dissonance pc slave plantation.
Me glad me mongrel gene slip thru cracks mad parents
Me glad irish bastard gene
Me glad found some others.
Me keep soul..or atleast flirt with th fucker a bit.

That big drawing is graphitid davids ledgend poem in it
I like that poem...
Its serious..seems to cross time and pull together a deeper need talk about the primeval motivation...in language and meaning makeing.. GOD
.and be like david does
A collage of image sensoria woven in meta meaning n play with implyed slippery assosiations and image to conclude your own perception
Its especially cool cos its th last one in th book edgeland and my picture is the first too.
Ive been told ledgend isnt spelt that way
But in my bog i can spell any way i please
Spechly cos its called

My country isnt my country..
It seems to have become some offshoot of a faciest brave new world social engineering experiment..with monocultural doubletalk institutional rhetoric facades and management kids factory farmed as widgets..
Tradeing in moralitys human remains as a fadeing remnant of the body we had.
Apparently im to go to sleep
Smile n get along
..develop a good atitude
Dream virtue anti abandonment signposts for tall poppy coward hack fakes...whove traded out of having a soul
Never realy got along at school with th kiwi kids..
What are ya spozed to do with pain?
Ive always made stuff..
Then hurting is illegal too
Must be my fault
I just believed in the wrong things
Followed the wrong storys
Laughed with th wrong souls
Dreamed the taboo dreams
No i didnt
Lots of work to do
Keep doin it
Lotta conquored destroyed people around under the tyranny of this psychic haze
All over the planet
In all times
Its not happy
were not a good species
This is a temporary state
Wasnt ment to last
Were possably more
Possably better
Possably able to acturalise in full totality in forms increadable..
The potential and vacuume
Co exist
Its not abstract metaphysics of th lab
Or text book
Heart data
Felt poems of entangled strangled souls
Around i go