Accelerated distance
A..buisy remembering
If i could just focus faster than light wand
Some scrambled mind informational receiver static issue

Non the less
Is a responce-
A -ability
Vortex interupted perpetually by ego account management
That entity analiseing him ..
A false economy in a structured farm
What happend to you?
Underworld recycling depot
Hi vis authority
Robot man mask..
Task language beyond word
And in that a ribbon of invented collapses
Chaos botherer
You lean more than art..
Cleaning dirty domestics ..
The great work
Never done
Holding back the inevidable negantropic fractal mind whirl wind
Your garden draws infancy dreams like worm compost
Cat puke scrubber
Small upward pulses ..
Delicate ballances in that web of star plennum mind breath
What job has art got if
not in the doing.
.manifest the thinky feels
Thing thing thing
Caught in some tradeing game of
Power confetti..
Sender received
Human higher function
Athletics of capitalism serf farm
frontage..everythings swell
We got culture
robbery bank real estate prison
The real thing...
House divided against itself falls
Performance anxiety n paranoid
Shadow s talk
expectation mountain mounting and weight accumulates..
Dream memory...hope vaulter..
A way of potential mastery with no risk failure n transformative catalitic self actualising innitiation
is a fucking lie.
visualise this life..in 200 years.
Lay some protective foundation..
Man spread like a birth canal
Trench warfare
Master slave romantic dada
Digital entrainment
Psychic remote
We all need to be gratifyed
To be great fool..
Frameing what matters
Accepting all the loss..
in the world not of it..mlarky
And what remains..
Get up again
Soul wars..
Cardboard wasteland..
Cloned conformist social credit police state in your illegitimate
thinner skinnd sence of somebody..who ya ment to be for someone else
Add guilt..
Na all good.
Beuatifull as it is
Dont no nuthin me..
Beast him ever.
lacks sleep..and night terror sweating..
best not leave house..
you obsessivly clean that interior...and
ecology the fuck outta that art surface..by looking at it alot.
Very good
jordan peterson